This is a page a created by Damaraland Lodge no. 4758 E.C. under the United Grand Lodge of England. The Lodge is in existence since March 1926. The current building in Robert Mugabe avenue was build in 1961 and is still currently in use.


Freemasonry has several million members worldwide. Namibian Freemasons fall under the Grand lodge of England, Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Grand Lodge of South Africa. There are currently 10 lodges in Namibia. They are ordinary men, 21 years and older, of all religions and backgrounds, who share a concern for human values and moral standards and a respect for the laws of society and the rights of individuals.


Does Freemasonry include women?

Yes, however there are currently no women lodges in Namibia. Please see a link for an interview with the Grand Master of The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons Christine Chapman and article by a photographer on the Freemasonry for Women Lodge, one of two Grand Lodges for women in the UK. This Lodge has been operating for more than a century, as it looks to the future. 

Why Freemasonry?

There are many reasons why men choose to be Freemasons. It promotes brotherly love, self –development, family and community values. Freemasonry provides members with an opportunity for public service and hands-on involvement in community issues, as well as a chance for them to socialise with men from all walks of life without religious, political or social barriers. Attached please feel free to link to the most common questions and answers. 

Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems

Herewith please find a few hard facts to clarify a lot of misunderstandings about Namibian Freemasonry

Are we the Illuminati?

We are not the Illuminati. If you are looking for the Illuminati, you are on the wrong page.  Freemasonry has nothing to do with an organisation that closed 200 years ago.

Will I become rich and famous?

No, Freemasonry in Namibia will not make you rich, famous or advantage you financially or in any other way. One of the components of our fraternity is charity and as such we collect money from our members to donate to other charitable organisations. We do not give charity to individual people, so again your financial position must be adequate to support this without a detriment to yourself and/or your family. We assist Registered Charities and not individuals.

How much do I need to pay to join?

You cannot buy your way into Freemasonry. Kindly note that no fees are payable to anyone until after you are accepted as a member of a Lodge.  There are an increasing number of fake Lodges operating in Africa. They also use multimedia platforms such as Facebook very effectively in their scamming operations. Any organisation or institution requesting money from you before you are actually admitted to a Lodge and are about to be initiated are fake.  Please be careful because if you pay, you will just lose your money.

Are you proficient in English?

Except for 3 Lodges in Namibia, all Lodges use English inside the lodge. Lodge members are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides. The fundamental rituals revolve around using allegory and moral lessons.

Are you financially sound?

Your financial position must be such that you can afford to pay your annual Lodge fees without putting yourself or your family in financial difficulties. Equally, the Masons in Namibia travel very often to Lodge meetings in other locations and even to neighbouring countries. All of these travelling expenses are for your own account and do not come from the Lodge.

Are you over the age of 21 years?

The joining requirements are: Just, upright and free men, of mature age, sound judgement, and strict morals. The mature age would be 21 years.

Do you have the time?

It is important that you are able to devote 3 or 4 nights a month to attend Lodge for Rehearsals, Meetings, and Lodges of Instructions.  You should also consider if you are able to devote time, and/or money to assist those less fortunate than yourself.

Is Free Masonry a political or religious group?

No, not at all. It is a fact that both politics and specific religions are discouraged from being mentioned in a Lodge, because to do so may negate its collective peace, harmony, and thus, its universality of spirit.

You must believe in an Almighty God or the Supreme Being (such as God, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, Buddha, etc.) of your own religion.  Please note that this is essential to membership. It must be pointed out that we are not a religion ourselves but strive to enhance individual members’ religion preferences.

Does your family, partner or wife know about your intention to become a Freemason?

If you are a married man or have a life partner, we like to be assured that your wife or life partner is in full support of your becoming a member.

Why do you want to be a Freemason?

You will hear this many times during the process to join the Fraternity. If you are not able to answer this question, you would not be considered to join.

Before you embark on your Masonic journey, be aware that the process can take several months as strict admission requirements are adhered to for anybody to join.

It is a requirement that you must be recommended by someone who is already a member of the Fraternity and have known you for a minimum period of three years.

Nobody will call you from a Masonic Lodge first, You have to contact the Lodge yourself to express your interest to join.  This is an important part of becoming a Freemason, and will be explained in due course when you become a Freemason.

For more information and some useful insight, please check out the following link, which is from a public meeting held in South Africa under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of SA.

want to find out more?

Should you wish to find out more about Freemasonry, its Aims, Teachings, Activities and Manner of Workings, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Lodges in namibia

Under the Grand Lodge of England

DAMARALAND                 4758       E.C.        Freemasons Hall, Windhoek

WELWITSCHIA                  8768       E.C.        Freemasons Hall, Swakopmund

ETOSHA                               7148       E.C.        Freemasons Hall, Otjiwarongo


Under the Grand Lodge of Scotland

NAMIB                                 1489       S.C.         Freemasons Hall, Walvis Bay

BENGUELA                        1616       S.C.         Freemasons Hall, Windhoek

KREUZ DES SÜDENS      1613       S.C.         Freemasons Hall, Windhoek

ZUR HOFFNUNG               1777       S.C.         Freemasons Hall, Swakopmund

DUNEDIN STAR               1454       S.C.         Freemasons Hall, Windhoek


Under the Grand Lodge of South Africa

MAKALANI                         114         S.A.         Freemasons Hall, Grootfontein

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